Army National Guard Career Tech Engineering Education

Army National Guard Career Tech Engineering Education

Headway delivers the National Guard Engineering Education program to instructors, students and parents nationwide.


The National Guard was looking to connect with potential recruits, targeting science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) students aged 17-19.


In partnership with LM&O Advertising, agency of record for the National Guard, Headway developed and distributed the National Guard Engineering Education program to engineering instructors nationwide. Teacher kits included a DVD of the curriculum overview complete with a hands-on classroom exercise and materials. An instructor microsite featured best practices and a post-lesson quiz through which students could opt- in to receive additional information on the National Guard. Parents received program completion certificates with information packets regarding financial benefits associated with National Guard service.


  • 1 in 4 students took the next step to serving in the National Guard
  • Proprietary database of targeted recruits
  • Unique solution for National Guard community engagement


Future Workforce/Tradesmen


STEM Career Tech Classrooms


Engineering Instructors

Army National Guard Career Tech Engineering Education
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